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Christine's Happy Home Aviery Rescue

You are visitor since 05/06/98

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Hello Bird Lovers
My Name is Christine ( CHRIS ) I have some Information I would like to Share with you
I'm taking in Unwanted, neglected, Handicapped, Uncontrollable, retired from Breeding Stock  Birds or just if you are unable to take care of your Bird anymore & need to find a good Loving home for your Pet Bird I be happy to take them in.
I have been a Big Animal & Bird Lover sinse Childhood, so all the Birds will receive the best of Care. None of them will be Sold, adopted out or used for Breeding to make Money of them.
This is strictly a None Profit Avery, the Birds Profit from having a great home & all the Comfort of living in a Home & the enjoyment for me is having the Birds.
They all get there daily Fresh Veggies & Fruits, Kaytee Viesta Bird Seeds And Cooked Seeds with Pasta & Vitamins plus fresh Water. All of them also receive a one on one attention & love and all this Combined there is one Happy Flock of Pet Birds.
Each & everyone has there own Cage & there doors is always Open so the can come in & out as much as the please.  A cage supposed to Be a Birds Home to come in & out.
Not a PRISON caged up 24/7.
So if you have a Bird SM. MED. or LG. that you trying to find a good stable home for or of anyone else that does, please do tell them about my Rescue Avery here.
Thank you for your Visit, hope you enjoyed all my little Friends
Please Bookmark this site so you can come back often & visit the newcomers our little Feathered Friends
If you have any questions or coments about Birds please send an E-mail to
All e-mails answered.
Email me
Requesting to be added to the Bird News Letter.
You can Contact Chris in
Roxboro, North Carolina
email me at
. Here are some other animal sites to visit.

My Pets Photo Page.